Happy 59th Independent Day - Dr. Nicolas Felix Message To Nigerians

Happy 59th Independent Day - Dr. Nicolas Felix Message To Nigerians


Enthusiasm and patriotism was the overriding ambience. The percussion sounds of joy from the brass and of course firecrackers by the children was the soundtrack on that beautiful Saturday Morning October 1st 1960.

Independence day has always rekindled our solidarity to the national course. Independent day has always reminded us that we are a free nation.

Today, as the faces of our past heroes flash through our screens in various media commemorative documentaries, let the scintillating words of our  anthem not be mere honorifics.

Let it be an awakening exegesis that will flush off every pessimism and give birth to the much needed  hope we've all been waiting for in this great Country.

A hope in the greater Nigeria where we blaze the trail in economic stability, technological advancement, importantly,  progress-driven and harmonious society.

The emphasis on peace is inevitable putting into perspective the tendencies for chaos.

We may not speak the same language nor have the same religious persuasions but anyone that constructs a fixed lines in the domain of our national consciousness has only limited, grossly, the enormous capacity of this great giant. The white must remain inside the green no matter what.

Not undermining the efforts of our leaders at a time like this, we still express our displeasure at the irregularities still present in our polity, which pragmatically speaking, is an endemic ill.

Therefore the needful must be done to abate the frustrations and alleviate the sufferings of the common Nigeria.

To our leaders we ask for more so that we will achieve a solid pedestal to mount our shiny future; a generation of world shakers dominating out of Nigeria.

Our prayers remain with you, trusting that your allegiance will remain with our collective good and not  partisan interests at any level.

The country of the greats shall produce greater. We count our years and  we also count our strides of success and the former, we pray will be overshadowed by the latter.

 Happy Independence to us and Long Live The Federal Republic Of Nigeria!!!

I am Dr. Nicolas Felix Former Presidential Candidate/ 3rd Place Winner of the 2019 Presidential Election & I Approve this message.

Source: Spyloadedng

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