Lingard Opens up on his trying times

Lingard Opens up on his trying times

 "I was struggling mentally as well as physically. There was the off-field stuff with my mum and her battle with depression. I finally found the courage to talk to Ole and the guys at United about everything I was going through.  I needed to go. I needed to play regular football again. I needed a new environment."

"When we moved down to London, one of the first things my brother did was set up these two whiteboards in our flat, one for targets, one for motivation. All motivational stuff: key words, quotes, stuff to get me hyped. 

"He wrote down some targets for before the international break: four goals, two assists. I told him, “Nah, put like eight goals … nine goals! He was like, “Bro, if you go too high at the start, you might not hit it. 

"So we went with four goals and two assists. I hit both. Lou was like, “Alright, six goals, four assists.” Hit that too. Tick. Tick. The quotes worked as well, mate. My motivation was through the roof. Everything I needed was all there on those two boards. 

"Then I got three Player of the Month nominations in a row, February, March, April! I’d been on the shortlist before in my career, but had never won. By April, I had forgotten about it. Then the media guy at West Ham sent me a voice note, and he's like, "You've won Player … and Goal of the Month.

"Jesse 2.0."

The comeback of J Lingz should inspire any young footballer 🙌🕺

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